2024-01-09 21:21:54 | 去哪玩
CNE,Le Saunda展销会 全场低至1折
你好,很高兴为你解答。 2013年7月上海动漫展举办时间: 7月11--15号,为期5天。 地址在上海世博展览馆(国展路1099号),中国馆对面。也叫世博馆路111号。 公交: 74,82,177,314,454,576,734,786,818,974,978,981路均可到达。 地铁: 乘地铁7号线(花木路)方向,在耀华路下车(4号口出),步行至上海世博展览馆。 主要内容: 主要展出动漫、游戏及其衍生产业、网络游戏、游艺机、动画、动漫、基地园区、动漫授权、桌面游戏等。 票价: 50元(平日票), 60元,(非双休日通票), 70元,(周末展票), 100元,(套票)。 7月11日上午09:30分进行现场售票。 7月12日--15日均为上午08:30分进行现场售票。 举办动漫展: 1,comicup, 2,comicom, 3,china joy, 4,CCGEXPO。
July 15th Monday Sunny去哪玩
It was sunny and hot all day today. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun in the water. In the afternoon,we went shopping. The stores were all full of people, so i didn't enjoy myself.
July 16th Tuesday Rainy
It rained today, so we visited a museum, and i felt bored. I found a little boy crying in a corner. He got lost. Then i helped him find his father. This made me very happy.I didn't have money for a taxi, so i went back to the hotel on foot. I was so tired.
July 17th Wednesday Cool
It's really cool today, so we decided to play tennis. We played tennis the whole morning. It was really interesting. We had Sicuan food for lunch. It was delicious!
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